Our beautiful daughter Emersyn Paige passed away from SMA Type 1 on April 7th,2009 at the age of 7 months old. This blog is dedicated to her life, legacy and spirit and our journey as a family through grief.

Monday, August 3, 2009

"Missing Emersyn"~ Poem Written by Dear Friend Terry Urbaniak

No one would blame you for going insane, for closing your doors and pretending you are still with Emersyn;No one can possibly understand the torture you suffer in your heart and your head Or the feeling of emptiness in your own soul where her physical presence once filled you with the pure contentment of a baby in lull;No one can still feel the warmth and weight of her body in their arms as she lingers in yours and makes what was once the blissful ache of carrying your child now the desperate agony of not;What was once important is now trivial, what was once a happy pleasure is now a guilty one, what was once your future is now your past;How I wish I could rewind life back to your times of bliss and keep you from this time of a living hell;Raised to the heights of euphoria and then plunged into the tormenting darkness of the abyss in less than seven months time; No mortal ever has seen as much as that of a bereaved parent, second only to God, if there is a God, who witnessed the creation of both heaven and hell;You are the only ones who have seen what he has seen, sat on the edge of paradise, walked on the road to perdition and now live in the depths of purgatory in one lifetime;How could you ever be the same, how could you not go out of you mind, how could you ever fully let any of us outsiders into the madness that now lives in your head;Robbed of the most important piece in your puzzle of life, a space that you now fill with the memory of your precious angel as you try to continue building your family and a new future;A memory that is to be honored at all costs and is the only thing that can keep you from crossing over the line into complete and utter oblivion

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